Monday, June 15, 2009

Stamps, Paper, Scissors and Donkeysmiles ...

This is one of Beth's blogs that she haunts, and other than the Very Cool rak (for 75000 blog hits!) Michelle is giving away- check out the cards this lady makes! theyre awesome!!
And I have heard sneaky peek reviews from True Blood Season 2 - it premiered in the USA about 3 hours ago - and oooooh it sounds exciting!!!
Other news, two redundancies at work today - really sad to see one of the consultants take Voluntary redundancy and there has also been an enforced redudandancy. At least it wasnt me - for once!
I'm sure i had something else to blog about but I forgot now.
Oh and Beth (and the others)
the tv= it was Nickelodeon channel, so likely either Spongebob or Billy & Mandy's grim adventures, i tend to watch those when there is nothing else interesting on the normal channels i watch (Documentary/ Crime/ Box)

1 comment:

BethW said...

SpongeBob is an alien plot to destroy minds-beware! I meant to post before-the layout you're not overly fond of-is my favorite.